Tea in Kagawa
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History of Tea in Kagawa Prefecture.

When you think of tea, you may think of Shizuoka, but Kagawa also has a history of tea.
On this page, we investigated the history of tea in our hometown of Kagawa Prefecture!
Let's take a look together!

In the Edo period, Lord Yorishige Matsudaira, the feudal lord of Takamatsu, created a tea garden in Ritsurin Park for tea ceremonies.
That is the beginning.

・The types of tea produced are mainly excellent varieties such as "Yabuki" and "Meiroku".
・Cultivated in the hilly and mountainous regions of Takamatsu City, Mitoyo City, and Manno Town.
The share of unrefined tea production by production area is high in Mitoyo, with 74% in Mitoyo, and 13% in Takamatsu and Mannou.
See below.↓